

GenNoise [options] AFile


Generate an audio file containing uncorrelated Gaussian noise samples


This program generates zero-mean uncorrelated pseudo-random Gaussian deviates. These white noise samples are written to an audio file. Each invocation of this program generates a different random sequence unless the random number generator seed is specified. Options are available to specify the number of samples, the sampling frequency and the data format of the output file.


Output file name, AFile:
Specifying "-" as the output file indicates that output is to be written to standard output. If the output file type is not explicitly given (-F option), the extension of the output file name is used to determine the file type.
  ".au"   - AU audio file
  ".wav"  - WAVE file
  ".aif"  - AIFF sound file
  ".afc"  - AIFF-C sound file
  ".raw"  - Headerless file (native byte order)
  ".txt"  - Text audio file (with header)
-d SDEV, --std_deviation=SDEV
Standard deviation of the noise samples in normalized units, default 0.03. The standard deviation can be given as a real number (e.g., "0.03") or as a ratio (e.g., "983.04/32768").
-x SEED, --seed=SEED
Integer-valued seed for the random number generator, default from the current time.
-n NSAMPLE, --number_samples=NSAMPLE
Number of output samples to be generated.
-s SFREQ, --srate=SFREQ
Sampling frequency for the output audio file, default 8000.
-F FTYPE, --file-type=FTYPE
Output file type. If this option is not specified, the file type is determined by the output file name extension.
  "AU" or "au"             - AU audio file
  "WAVE" or "wave"         - WAVE file. Whether or not to use the WAVE
                             file extensible format is automatically
  "WAVE-EX" or "wave-ex"   - WAVE file. Use the WAVE file extensible
  "WAVE-NOEX" or "wave-noex" - WAVE file; do not use the WAVE file
                             extensible format
  "AIFF-C" or "aiff-c"     - AIFF-C sound file
  "AIFF-C/sowt" or "aiff-c/sowt" - AIFF-C (byte-swapped data)
  "AIFF" or "aiff"         - AIFF sound file
  "noheader" or "noheader-native" - Headerless file (native byte order)
  "noheader-swap"          - Headerless file (byte swapped)
  "noheader-big-endian"    - Headerless file (big-endian byte order)
  "noheader-little-endian" - Headerless file (little-endian byte order)
  "text-audio"             - Text audio file (with header)
-D DFORMAT, --data-format=DFORMAT
Data format for the output file.
  "mu-law8"   - 8-bit mu-law data
  "mu-lawR8"  - 8-bit bit-reversed mu-law data
  "A-law8"    - 8-bit A-law data
  "unsigned8" - offset-binary 8-bit integer data
  "integer8"  - two's-complement 8-bit integer data
  "integer16" - two's-complement 16-bit integer data
  "integer24" - two's-complement 24-bit integer data
  "integer32" - two's-complement 32-bit integer data
  "float32"   - 32-bit IEEE floating-point data
  "float64"   - 64-bit IEEE floating-point data
  "text16"    - text data, scaled the same as 16-bit integer data
  "text"      - text data, scaled the same as float/double data
-I INFO, --info=INFO
Add an information record to the output audio file.
-h, --help
Print a list of options and exit.
-v, --version
Print the version number and exit.

See routine CopyAudio for a description of other parameters.

-D DFORMAT, --data-format=DFORMAT
Details on allowed data formats for the output file
-I INFO, --info-INFO
Details on usage and default information records
Loudspeaker configuration

Author / version:

P. Kabal / v10r5 2023-04-10

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