

double SPlpcISdist (const float pc1[], const float pc2[], int Np)


Calculate the Itakura-Saito LPC spectral distance measure


This function calculates the Itakura-Saito LPC spectral distance measure kernel. Given two LPC spectral models 1/A1(z) and 1/A2(z), this function calculates a spectral difference function. Let the coefficient vectors corresponding to the all-pole filters be a1 and a2. Consider a signal with correlation corresponding to the correlation matrix R1. Define E1 as the minimum mean-square error that results when the signal is filtered using the optimum prediction filter A1(z) derived from the correlation R1. Define E12 as the mean-square error that results when the same signal is filtered using the prediction filter A2(z) (mismatched to the signal). These errors can be calculated as as
   E1  = a1' R1 a1 ,
   E12 = a2' R1 a2 ,
This function returns the value E12/E1.

The distance kernel can be used to calculate the Itakura-Saito maximum likelihood spectral distance between two spectra models g1/A1(z) and g2/A2(z),

          1    pi
  Dist = ---  Int [ exp(V(w)) - V(w) - 1 ] dw.
         2pi  -pi
                     g1^2             g2^2
  where  V(w) = ln ---------  - ln  --------- ,
                   |A1(w)|^2        |A2(w)|^2

  Int V(w) dw = 4 pi ln(g1/g2),

  Int exp(V(w)) dw = (g1/g2)^2  E12/E1

where E1 is the residual energy for A1(z) and E12 is the residual energy for A2(z). If the gains g1 and g2 are equal (ref. 1),

  Dist = E12/E1 -  1,

An alternate spectral difference measure is the Itakura measure (see ref. 2),

         a1' R2 a1
  d = ln --------- .
         a2' R2 a2

The term inside the logarithm is obtained by interchanging the roles of a1 and a2 in the call to this routine.

A. Gray Jr. and J. Markel, "Distance measures for speech processing", IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-24, pp. 380-391, October 1976.

M. R. Sambur and N.S. Jayant, "LPC analysis/synthesis from speech inputs containing quantizing noise or additive white noise", IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-24, pp. 488-494, December 1976.


<- double SPlpcISdist
Resultant distance measure
-> const float pc1[]
Predictor coefficients corresponding to the first spectrum
-> const float pc2[]
Predictor coefficients corresponding to the second spectrum
-> int Np
Number of predictor coefficients (maximum 50)

Author / revision

P. Kabal / Revision 1.21 2003/05/09

See Also


Main Index libtsp