

void AFprintInfoRecs(const AFILE *AFp, FILE *fpinfo)


Print all information records for an audio file


This formats and prints information records for an audio file. Non-printing control characters are replaced by a scarab ('\xA4') character. Long lines are truncated with a trailing ... to indicate truncation.

When an input file containing AFsp information records is opened with AFopnRead, information records are read and stored in the audio file parameter structure. The following records affect the audio file information that is stored in the audio file parameter structure or printed when the file is opened.

- "date:" or "creation_date:" record
The data and time in that record is printed when the file is opened rather than the file modification date obtained from the file system.
- "sample_rate:" record
The sample rate in the record is compared to the sample rate from the file header. If the file header sample rate from the header is an integer value and agrees with the rounded value of the value in the record, the value from the record used to set the Sfreq variable in the audio file parameter structure.
- "loudspeakers:" record
The loudspeaker locations are decoded and the result is stored in the SpkrConfig array in the audio file parameter structure. The list of speaker positions is printed when the file is opened, along with the other file information.
- "name:", "title:", "comment:", or "display_text:" record
This information record printed as "Description: <text>" when the file is opened.

Information records found in input audio files are returned in the AFInfo structure which is part of the audio file parameter structure. The information records are determined from the audio file as follows.

AU files:
Text information precedes the audio data. If the "AFsp" identifier is present, the remaining text is stored as information records in the audio file parameter structure. Otherwise the text is stored as an "info:" information record.
AIFF and AIFF-C files:
The text information can appear in several different header chunks. This information is extracted and stored as information records in the audio file parameter structure.
 "NAME" chunk text => "name:" information record
 "AUTH" chunk text => "author" information record
 "(c) " chunk text => "copyright:" information record
 "ANNO" chunk text => "annotation:" information record
If an "ANNO" chunk text has an "AFsp" tag as a preamble, the remaining text is stored as individual information records
WAVE files:
Information records are generated from "afsp", "DISP", "LIST", or "bext" chunks. The information is extracted and stored as information records in the audio file parameter structure.
 "afsp" chunk - Text is extracted and stored as individual information
 "DISP" chunk - text is stored as a "display_text:" information record.
 "LIST" chunk - INFO text has further subcategories as follows.
   "IARL" text => "archival_location:" information record.
   "IART" text => "artist:" information record.
   "ICMS" text => "commissioned:" information record.
   "ICMT" text => "comment:" information record.
   "ICOP" text => "copyright:" information record.
   "ICRD" text => "creation_date:" information record.
   "IENG" text => "engineer:" information record.
   "IGNR" text => "genre:" information record.
   "IKEY" text => "keywords:" information record.
   "IMED" text => "medium:" information record.
   "INAM" text => "name:" information record.
   "IPRD" text => "product:" information record.
   "ISBJ" text => "subject:" information record.
   "ISFT" text => "software:" information record.
   "ISRC" text => "source:" information record.
   "ISRF" text => "source_form:" information record.
   "ITCH" text => "technician:" information record.
 "bext" chunk - information (Broadcast WAVE files) is extracted and
  returned as information records.
SPPACK files:
 "comment:" and "command:" information records
ESPS sampled data feature files:
The following information record identifiers are picked up from the file header.
 "date:"            "header_version:"       "program:"
 "program_version:" "program_compile_date:" "start_time:"
INRS-Telecom files:
 "date:" information record
NSP files:
 "comment:" information record
IRCAM soundfiles:
 "SF_COMMENT:" information record
Text in the header is parsed and stored as information records. The identifier is picked up from the header. Possible identifiers include,
 "database_id:"            "database_version:"
 "utterance_id:"           "sample_min:"
 "sample_max:"             "conversation_id:"
 "microphone:"             "prompt_id:"
 "recording_date:"         "recording_environment:"
 "recording_site:"         "recording_time:"
 "sample_checksum:"        "speaker_sentence_number:"
 "speaker_session_number:" "speaker_utterance_number:"
 "speaker_id:"             "speaker_id_a:"
 "speaker_id_b:"           "speaking_mode:"
Cadence SPW Signal files:
A "comment:" information record is generated from the second line of a header. Keyword lines in the header generate information records.
Text audio files (with header):
A "title:" information record is generated from the second line of the header. Keyword lines in the header generate information records. A multi-line description is returned as a "description:" information record.


<- void AFprintInfoRecs
-> const AFILE *AFp
Audio file parameter structure
<-> FILE *fpinfo
Output stream for the file information. If fpinfo is NULL, no information is written.

Author / revision:

P. Kabal / Revision 1.17 2023-03-23

See Also

AFopnRead, AFsetInfo

Main Index libtsp